Руды и концентраты с содержанием драгоценных металлов. Экспорт - Документы Asap

Ores and concentrates containing precious metals. Export

Документы - Руды и концентраты с содержанием драгоценных металлов. Экспорт. Необходимо оформление заключение Минфина и лицензии Минпромторга.
оформление руд на экспорт, оформление документов на экспорт руд, лицензия экспорт драг металлов, документы экспорт руд, получение документов на концентраты с содержанием драгоценных металлов

Ores and concentrates containing precious metals are included in the 2.10. Precious metals and raw materials containing precious metals Decisions of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission of 21.04.2015 N 30.

For the export of this product, registration is required conclusion of the Ministry of Finance and licenses of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

To get both a conclusion and a license, you need to know some of the subtleties in the requirements for the package of documents:

  1. Special calculations of the value of precious metals in the contract.
  2. Registration of the Certificate of chemical composition and test reports. The tests are carried out in a special accredited laboratory recommended by the Ministry of Finance. It is advisable to divide the batch into several smaller batches, since the amount of precious metals in a large volume of the delivered goods may go beyond the permissible errors. All delivered goods are additionally examined by customs for compliance with the specified information in the documents.
  3. Special registration in the Assay Chamber and the availability of a license for the right to use mineral resources.

We have long and successfully helped at all stages of processing these documents.


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